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OUTgoing: From Ensino Lusófona to the World

Transversal competences are currently the main differentiator in accessing the labour market! And a mobility period in another country, whether for studies or for a traineeship, is the best way to acquire the: a command of foreign languages; the ability to work in multicultural environments; social agility; an understanding of others; self-knowledge – these are competences that only internationalization can help you gain.

Studying abroad is the perfect way to enrich your curriculum while at the same time acquiring experiences, contacts and new work networks!

  • Erasmus +

    The ERASMUS+ programme is the largest Education Mobility Programme in the world, promoted by the European Union and managed in Portugal by the ERASMUS+ National Agency. Read more

    Applications Erasmus +

    Applications for international internship programs

    • ULHT Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias

    Who can participate and apply?

    • Higher Education students and trainees, duly enrolled in a degree-awarding programme, in any Study Cycle (Bachelor, Master and PhD) can participate in study or traineeship mobility.
    • Newly graduates can carry out a Traineeship Mobility period provided they do so in the 12 months immediately following the end of the study cycle they are enrolled in.

    How can you apply?

    To apply, you must collect the required documents and take the following steps:

    1. Research and appraise all existing partners. See the list of partners.
    2. Choose the most suitable Institution and place to achieve your objectives;
    3. Gather the following documents:
      • Motivation Letter;
      • Curriculum Vitae;
      • Citizen Card;
      • Document with NIB and IBAN;
      • Proof of bank account (name of first holder and address of the branch of the IBAN);
    4. Submit your filling out all the data and attaching the documents required in (3);
    5. You will receive an email confirming that the application has been successful, with information on its status;
    6. Your application will be appraised by the International Coordinator of your School/Faculty;
    7. Should the application be approved, you will receive confirmation of acceptance and information on the next steps;
    8. Should the application not be accepted, you will receive notice of this in your inbox;

    Should you have any queries, you can send an or ask the SUC Internacional. Contact your International Coordinator who can help you achieve your study goals.

    When can you apply?

    Applications must be submitted in specific periods for year mobility or semester mobility.

    For traineeships (curricular, extracurricular and professional), applications are open permanently. All students from the 1st year from every study cycle up to one year after the end of study cycle can participate.

    Application for the study mobility programme take place in several rounds throughout the year and are available here.

    Where can you apply?

    • The Erasmus+ Programme is open to Institutions / Universities / Schools of all member states of the European Union:
      Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, Slovenia, Slovakia, Estonia, France, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Romania, the United Kingdom and Sweden.
    • Outside the European Union, the countries that integrate the Programme are:
      Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Serbia and Turkey.

    Check EXISTING PARTNERSHIPS. It is always possible to establish new partnerships. Contact your Programme Director!

  • Overseas Programme

    Who can apply?

    All students duly enrolled in a degree-awarding Higher Education programme, whose financial situation shows no debts and meet the requirements defined by the Director of each Faculty, School or Study Cycle are eligible for application.
    Note: all students will be subject to individual application analysis.

    How can you apply?

    In order to submit your application, you must collect the required documents and take the following steps:

    1. Research and appraise all existing partners. See the list of partners.
    2. Choose the most suitable Institution and place to achieve your objectives;
    3. Gather the following documents and handle the whole logistics:
      • Learning Agreement;
      • Equivalencies Plan;
      • Student Visa (mandatory regardless of the period of stay);
      • Accommodation arrangements;
      • Travel arrangements;
      • Other documents that become necessary.
    4. Check your student enrolment on Netp@ since you must:
      • Be duly enrolled in the corresponding Education Institution in the relevant academic year
      • Have a fulfilled all your payment obligations with the Sending Institution.
    5. Submit your filling out all the data and attaching the documents required in (3)
    6. You will receive an email confirming your application has been successful, with information on its status
    7. Your application will be appraised by the International Coordinator of your School/Faculty;
    8. Should your application be approved, you will receive confirmation of acceptance and information on the next steps;
    9. Should your application not be accepted, y you will receive notice of this in your inbox;
    10. Attend the Cultural Preparation and outgoing documentation sessions (to be scheduled)
    11. One month before students’ departure for mobility, they must visit the SUC- Internacional to activate the School Insurance.

    WE ADVISE all students to read the Overseas mobility Guide, where they can obtain information on the programme, costs and documents.
    Contact your International Coordinator, who can help you achieve your study goals.

    When can you apply?

    All students may apply for an Overseas Traineeship Mobility period from the 1st year up to one year after concluding the Study Cycle.

    Please consult the application timetable.

    Where can you apply?

    The Overseas Programme is available to all countries outside Europe!
    Check existing partnerships. It is possible to establish new partnerships – contact the Director of your Study Cycle or your International Coordinator!

  • ISEP Programme

    The ISEP Programme is a Mobility Programme for the USA, which open doors to students of the Lusófona University for a semester or a whole year at an American University.

    This is an extraordinary opportunity to get to know a substantially different system from the European, to create work networks, to share knowledge and acquire vital multicultural competences.

    To start your application procedure, you must first know all the conditions at the ISEP site.

    Who can apply?

    All the students duly enrolled in a degree-awarding study programme – 1st, 2nd and 3rd Cycle – can participate in the ISEP Programme.

    How can you apply?

    The ISEP Programme involves two applications:

    When can you apply?

    Applications to the ISEP programme have specific timetables.

    For traineeships (curricular, extracurricular and professional) applications are open permanently. All students from the 1st year from every study cycle up to one year after the end of study cycle can participate. Participant selection periods in the USA take place in August and February.

    Application for the study mobility programme take place in several rounds throughout the year and are available for students.

    Participant selection periods in the USA take place in August and February, for the start of studies three months later.

    Please consult the application timetable.

    Where can you apply?

    Although the Programme enables mobility in several countries, Lusófona University’s students can only apply to mobility in the USA.

  • Damião de Góis

    Read more in Portuguese
  • AULP

    Read more in Portuguese
  • Teaching and Staff

    Applications to the Internal Mobility Programme of the Lusophone Group must be submitted to the relevant services in each Institution within the application timetables determined annually.

    Erasmus +

    The ERASMUS+ programme is the largest Education Mobility Programme in the world. Promoted by the European Union and managed in Portugal by the ERASMUS+ National Agency. Its main objectives for teaching staff mobility are:

    • To establish and reinforce relations between the Higher Education Institutions of the different participating countries;
    • To contribute to share knowledge and experiences in pedagogic methodologies;
    • To provide participants with an opportunity for personal and professional advancement;

    Who can apply?

    All lecturers who meet the following requirements are eligible for participation in the ERASMUS+ Programme:

    • Be a national of a member state of the European Union or other eligible country, or officially recognized by Portugal as refugee, stateless or permanent resident;
    • Have a contractual bond with ULHT;
    • Carry out their teaching assignment in one of ULHT’s partner institutions;

    How can you apply?

    By submitting an , including the following items of information/documents:

    • Indication of the pertinence of the partnership concerning its scientific relevance for the Organic Unit;
    • Indication of the pertinence of the partnership regarding its pedagogic relevance for the Organic Unit;
    • Attaching the Staff Mobility for Teaching Agreement

    When can you participate and apply?

    Without prejudice to the Vice-Rectory for Internationalization and Research accepting applications at all times, there will be two selection moments:

    • For mobility in the 1st Semester:applications submitted until 30 June, the results of which will be announced until 31 July.
    • For mobility in the 2nd Semester: applications received until 3 November, the results of which will be announced until 31 December

    Where can you apply?

    • The Erasmus+ Programme is available for all member states of the European Union:
      Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, Slovenia, Slovakia, Estonia, France, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Romania, the United Kingdom and Sweden.
    • Outside the European Union, the countries that integrate the Programme are:
      Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Serbia and Turkey.

    Check EXISTING PARTNERSHIPS. It is always possible to establish new partnerships. Contact your Programme Director!

  • Application timetable 2022/2023

    Mobilidade Erasmus + Isep Overseas

    • 1st phase: 06 jan to 31 mar 2024 (1st semester/Full Year/2nd semestre); 
    • 2nd phase: 05 may to 30 jun 2024 (candidaturas 2º semester - vagas sobrantes).